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It's a fact. Internet Marketers uses "dirty tricks"!
Although many of them won't admit to the fact. Still, it's the TRUTH! Some of them may not even realize they're using them. And some of them DO know. The latter half are the folks that are raking in the cash daily.
What IS a "dirty trick"? Well, that's easy. It is a sly method used by people everyday to get a desired reaction out of another person. Or at least that's my take on them. When you think of these words, you may think "rip-off", "unethical", or "illegal".
Let's get one thing straight right off the bat. The tactics discussed in this report are NOT illegal. They are NOT unethical. They are NOT a rip-off.
But they ARE a bit on the "crafty" side. Crafty or not, the point is THEY WORK. And if you're NOT USING THEM, then you're LOSING MONEY.
So, why did I call this collection of tactics "Dirty Internet Marketing Tricks" then? Because they are psychologically "sneaky". They scream out. . .
And boy do they ever get that type of reaction. You bought this report, right? It caught YOUR attention, didn't it? Whether you consider yourself the most honest person in the world, you still wanted to know what these so called "dirty tricks" were, didn't you?
Maybe to arm yourself against them. Or maybe to even use them yourself. The fact of the matter is, you are here, reading these words right now regardless of the reason. So the title I used WORKED TO GET YOUR ATTENTION AND MAKE YOU TAKE THE ACTION I DESIRED. You bought a copy.
And really, it's simply a matter of human nature. People always want to know the dirty secrets that others seem to be hiding. Why do you think all those "rag mags" sell so well? Sure, you probably know that most, if not all of the stories published are a load of tripe. But you still want to read it. Even if it's just to prove to yourself you were RIGHT and it's nothing but a pack of filthy LIES.
Dirty trick I know. That's the point! And that's just what you're going to learn inside this report. How to do the exact same thing to bring you in more money.
Diving right in, we're going to discuss my #1 favorite dirty trick. . .
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